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Judy Hagan

Judy Hagan
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        Judy Hagan is no stranger to Real Estate and Real Estate Investing. After a successful career as a nurse midwife where she delivered over a 1000 babies at home in New Jersey, she decided to pursue her other passion, Real Estate! In 2012, she started buying,
        restoring, decorating and selling charming, older homes with historic integrity. She is very drawn to the philosophy that your environment and surroundings can make a profound impact on your well being and set the tone for a life well lived. Judy considers herself a real Jersey girl having been born and raised here and through her travels as a home birth midwife and home renovator very familiar with so many counties and towns and areas. Her family like to joke that when traveling with her in the car she often points out a town, road or block and says “oh I did a birth there” She looks forward to helping you find or sell your next home.

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